Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Color as Metaphor in Film What Dreams May Come - 1332 Words

Looking at landscape art, especially when painted by one of the masters, many have undoubtedly pondered: what would it be like to live there? Shapes and attention to detail are, of course, important in a painting. However, it is color that draws the eye and inspires the heart. Oscar Wilde, an Irish poet and dramatist, spoke well of this when he noted that, â€Å"Mere color, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways. (qtd in â€Å"color†)†. Vincent Ward had a similar understanding of this impact when, in 1998, he directed the movie What Dreams May Come. Looking at this film, one can easily imagine being inside a living painting. The use of color to emphasize the emotional state of a†¦show more content†¦Using this deeper shade highlights the intensity of her loss and confusion without over powering the scene. As the days and weeks pass by, Annie tries to return to a normal life. However, with the ot her half of her soul gone, she finds this to daunting of a task. Sitting at her vanity, wearing a very pale lavender gown, she chooses to end her life. She places several crushed pills into a bowl of pudding, and after eating it, she waits to die. The lightness of purple used here shows that it is not her will that is weak; it is the weakness of her connection with Chris that drives her to make this fatal choice. After learning of Annie’s suicide and the self induced hell she will face, Chris makes the decision to enter hell, find Annie, and return with her to heaven. By using their connection as a sort of homing device, Chris descends ever deeper in to the pit of despair. He finds himself falling through an actual sea of faces where, after landing on the floor of hell’s basement, locates what looks like a dilapidated version of his and Annie’s house. Everything that can be seen in this purgatory looks as if the color has been drained by a leech. Black, gray, di rty yellows and sepia like tones abound in all directions, except for a single tree, which stands in front of the door to the house. This one tree, standing in defiance of the dreary world around it,Show MoreRelatedThe Diving Bell And The Butterfly1277 Words   |  6 PagesA caterpillar is kept captive inside a chrysalis for months or even up to two years (â€Å"Butterfly Life Cycle†). The 2007 French film, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly was directed by Julian Schnabel. This film is about a forty-three year old man, Jean-Dominique Bauby, who was the editor for Elle Magazine. He was valuable to the fashion world. He has reached the top of his career and had a publishing contract to write his book on a 19th century tale, until one day he found himself waking up on a hospitalRead MoreAuteur Criticism for Moulin Rouge by Baz Luhrmann1566 Words   |  7 Pageshas only five films under his filmmaking belt; Strictly Ballroom (1992), Romeo + Juliet (1996), Moulin Rouge! 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Influences on the Health of a Community - 1152 Words

Influences on the Health of a Community The health of a community is influenced by many factors including the social, cultural, and ethnic mix of the community, varying individual belief and moral systems, and the impact of political and economic factors to name a few. Strong social community associations, affiliations, and ties, within the interior of the community also influence the overall health of the community collective. Additional influences are the actual physical environment, surroundings, and available activities and resources of the community in which the citizens live, work, play, and perform all the other associated activities of daily life. Socioeconomics and the Spartanburg Community Spartanburg†¦show more content†¦In addition, in 2000 the Unites States Congress passed legislation creating the National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities at the National Institute of Health which requires the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to report annually on our nation’s progress in reducing healthcare disparities (Lillie-Blanton, Maleque Miller, 2008). Socioeconomic status relates to health status. In the United States those with private insurance and Medicare tend to receive a higher and disproportionate part of the available healthcare services and resources, while those with Medicaid or no insurance receive a significantly lower number of services and resource options. A person’s socioeconomic status within the country and culture also greatly impacts not only the healthcare services received, but also the quality of the services provided (Shipman, Vant Hul Hooten, 2009). Effects of Economics on Healthcare Access The status of the national, state, and local economies significantly impact the availability and access to medical services and care, especially for those who lack private insurance coverage or the financial resources to pay. The recent and severe economic downturn experienced in the United States has greatly impacted those who depend on the payment of services through socially funded programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, asShow MoreRelatedHispanic Culture s Influence On Health Patterns And Behaviors Exhibited By The Community Essay988 Words   |  4 Pages Cultural, traditional, and religious values have an influence on health patterns and behaviors exhibited by the community. Hispanic culture is dominant due to the close proximity to the U.S.-Mexico border. Fifty-two percent of households use a language other than English at home (U.S. Census Bureau, 2015). 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Accounting Financial Analysis Report Management

Question: Discuss about the Accounting Financial Analysis ReportManagement. Answer: Identification of areas of significant overspend The reported revenue of the Jasmine Hotel in Sydney, a part of Jasmine Hotel Group is $1,003,800 for the period January to June 2016. However, the hotel incurred gross profit $710,200 whereas the departmental profit of $174,682 yet it has been observed that the hotel overspent some of the areas that led the group incurring profits at a decreasing percentage from that of target benchmark. Salary and wages The first area of significant overspend by the hotel is expenses on salaries and wages amounted to $325,678, which is 32.4% of total sales revenue while the target benchmark percentage is 30.0%. Hence, the hotel had overspent the expenses on executives and workers with a difference of 8.1% considering the benchmark rate as a base rate. In the current economy, the unemployment rates are high yet the hotel industries facing the highest labor turnover costs. According the research in the recent years it has been identified that the hotel industries are majorly attributing their cost to labor turnover that provides substantial impact on the operating costs of the hotel as well as on the profitability. Labor turnover has wide cost bifurcation with respect to tangible and intangible costs that increases the human capital unnecessarily as a component of critical importance to the performance of the hotel industry. On facing the constant pressure to increase profit and attract investments in the hotel industries, the management is taking steps to employ more employees with regard to increase business operations and hotel services. Hence, it is essential for the Jasmine Hotel to consider the expenses on salaries and wages to maintain the benchmark profitability. Laundry Another area of significant overspend with respect to expenses is laundry expenses. In the statement of profit and loss and the statement of vertical analysis, it has been noted that the departmental expense on laundry for the period January to June 2016 amounted to $21,200. The cost of laundry was determined at 2.1% of the total sales revenue while the target benchmark was 1.8%. As a result, the hotel experienced the increase of cost at 17.3% considering the base rate as target benchmark. Hence, the management is required to examine the expenses on laundry in critical manner. There may be number of possible causes that results in inflation of laundry costs for the hotel and the management is responsible to evaluate these reasons. One of the reasons might be in-house laundry service by the Jasmine Hotel instead of outsourcing the same. In case of in-house laundry service, the hotel have to invest in the expensive laundry equipments, processing cost, raw materials like detergents, excess water and other relevant materials, extra laundry staffs and maintenance charges. It not only increases the laundry cost but the labor expenses as well that eventually inflate the departmental expenses and decrease the profitability percentage. Another reason of high laundry cost due to lack of interest for being in the business of laundry and maintaining the level of high status and quality for in-house hotel services. Uniform It is another significant area of overspend expenses for the Jasmine Hotel department. The uniform expense for the period January to June 2016 was $14,600, which was 1.5% of the total sales revenue. However, the target benchmark percentage for the cost incurred in uniforms of the staff members was 1.1% and the company faced the increase in percentage of 32.2% considering the benchmark percentage as a base rate. Although it is important to consider the uniform of the hotel staffs and members to maintain the standard and reputation, yet it is not feasible to overspend in the cost of uniform. The possible reason of the excessive expenditure might be over using of uniforms by certain staffs. It is possible that they use the pair of uniforms more than they are allotted. Another reason is over employment of staffs and workers, as they will have to be provided with uniforms and required accessories. The cost of uniforms increases if the Jasmine Hotel uses expensive material and fabric for t he pair of uniforms that staff members use. Using the high quality fabrics as well as high laundry service eventually increases the cost of uniform as well as the departmental expense of the hotel. Review of actual cause of overspend in salary and wages The Hotel Jasmine experienced high departmental expenditure in the area of salary and wages, which the management should examine and control to achieve the target benchmark. There could be number of reasons that influence the high costs in labor turnover and it is important to evaluate such reasons. It is important to review the services that the hotel aims to provide and actually providing. The memorandum of the hotel is to be reviewed in this regard. If the services like housekeeping, security and call support are outsourced then the cost of salary and wages to additional staffs and employees can be saved. Additionally, the register of members is to be verified with the actual number of appointed employees to examine if there is any overcharge in payment of salary. The scale of payment to different class and level of employees should be examined with respect to the authenticated payments as per the hotel industry norms. Payment to employees in lieu of incentives, bonus or any other reward should also be checked to ascertain the fairness in the recognized salary and wages expenses. The management is required to analyze the expenditure on salaries and wages to control the total cost of department. With the increase in labor turnover rates in hotel industries to maintain the standards and quality, the management often experience the decrease in profit percentage. Further, it has been noticed that the hotel Jasmine has taken number of extra services that can be outsourced and accordingly increased the employment of workers. This step is one of the major reasons for overspending the expenses on salaries and wages more than the target benchmark set by the hotel management.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Song Of Solomon By Morrison Essays - Greek Mythology, Daedalus

Song Of Solomon By Morrison The Icarus Myth in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon Throughout literature it has been common for authors to use allusions to complement recurrent motifs in their work. In Toni Morrison's Song Of Solomon, Milkman learns that his desire to fly has been passed down to him from his ancestor Solomon. As Milkman is figuring out the puzzle of his ancestry, he realizes that when Solomon tried to take his youngest son, Jake, flying with him, he dropped him and Jake never arrived with his father to their destination. Sound familiar? Well, it seems quite probable that Morrison drew from the Daedalus/Icarus Greek myth. Daedalus was a well-known architect and engineer in Athens. King Mines invited Daedalus to Crete to build him a labyrinth, and when it was completed, Mines jailed him within it. In order to escape, Daedalus built two sets of wings - one pair for himself, and the other for his son, Icarus- using wax and feathers, which they used to fly off from Crete. On their journey to Athens, Icarus decided to try to challenge the sun, even though his father had warned him that if he got too near to the sea his wings would dampen and fall apart, or if he got too close to the sun, the wax in his wings would melt, and he would lose the ability to fly. Ignoring Daedalus' warnings, Icarus flew too high and the sun melted the wax that held his wings together. Icarus fell into the Aegean Sea and died. Solomon, a slave, had been a leader when he worked in the cotton fields in the South. One day he decided to fly back to Africa with his youngest son, Jake, leaving behind his wife Ryna and their twenty other children. Black lady fell down on the ground Come booba yalle, come booma tambee Threw her body all around Come konka yalle, come konka tambee...(303). This verse of the popular children's song which Milkman heard in Shalimar, Virginia, was referring to Ryna's sobbing, an event which also led to the naming of Ryna's Gulch where it is rumored that Ryna's spirit moaned night and day alike for Solomon's return. When Solomon is flying, however, he drops Jake- also the name of Milkman's grandfather- and unlike Icarus in Greek mythology, Jake survives his fall. Milkman's desire to fly mirrors one of the foremost fantasies of any child or dreamer. The child's desire to fly is expressed when Milkman (as a young child) loses all interest in himself when he realizes that he cannot fly. Morrison proves that the "childish" desire to fly never dies when Robert Smith tries to fly from No Mercy Hospital in Michigan. Milkman quickly regains his confidence when he unlocks the mystery of his grandfather and recognizes that a he was able to fly: "And he began to whoop and dive and splash and turn. 'He could fly! You hear me? My great-granddaddy could fly! Goddam!' He whipped the water with his fists, then jumped straight up as though he too could take off"(328). In conclusion, one of the most important motifs in Song of Solomon is that of flying, or perhaps more importantly the craving and interminable interest in learning to fly. Morrison uses numerous methods to emphasize this aspect of her novel. In my opinion, the most interesting comparison is between Solomon to Daedalus, and Jake to Icarus. At the end of the novel, as Milkman soars from one plateau to the next, we realize that even if he can never fly away from his problems as Solomon and Daedalus could, his fantasy has already been fulfilled through the knowledge that he has learned to face his problems head on instead of simply mastering the art of escape- flying.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Top 10 Hardest Working Cities in America -The JobNetwork

Top 10 Hardest Working Cities in America -The JobNetwork As a rule, Americans are a pretty hard-working bunch. After all, we’ve mythologized â€Å"the American Dream† as the reward for a lifetime of working hard and achieving a form of nirvana. We have a 34.4-hour work week, on average (in your face, Germany!), and are often terrible about taking our vacation days. Whether it’s working extra hours to make ends meet or to stay ahead of the workload, we put in our time. So what are the hardest-working hotspots in the U.S.? It’s a big country, and not every city is the same when it comes to working culture and time spent at work. This year, WalletHub has taken a close look at the work habits in 116 U.S. cities, and ranked them based on a number of factors like labor force participation rate, average work hours, and the number of workers with multiple jobs. Based on their findings, you may want to consider picking up stakes and moving to one of these metropolises for your own career. Let’s look at some of the ir hardest working cities, and the hottest industries in these moving-and-shaking cities.Anchorage, AKIf you’re a mainlander, Alaska might not even be on your radar for potential job opportunities and a strong working culture. With 42% of Alaska’s population and 47% of the state’s jobs, Anchorage is a bustling city with a strong presence in job sectors like the military (there are three bases located near the city), transportation, oil and natural gas, and tourism.Spotlight Industry: LogisticsAnchorage has become a major transportation hub, particularly in the shipping industry. FedEx in particular has set up shop in Anchorage, and considers it a major touchpoint for its global shipping program. The Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport accounts for 10% of Anchorage’s jobs, and sees more than 500 intercontinental cargo flights every week. Additionally, the port at Anchorage is responsible for more than 90% of the consumer goods that go in and out of Alaska. If you’re looking for opportunities in the logistics field, think north!More jobs in Anchorage, AKPlano, TX and Irving, TXFar from the rugged Texas ranch image, Plano and Irving are thoroughly modern cities perhaps best known as a headquarters hub: companies like Frito-Lay, J.C. Penney, Pizza Hut, Capital One, Toyota North America, and Cinemark Theaters all call Plano or Irving home.Spotlight Industry: IT/TechnologyAmong its many corporate headquarters, Plano counts many of the major tech and telecommunications companies:Hewlitt-Packard Enterprise ServicesVerizonAlcatel-LucentEricssonDellInfosys TechnologiesSiemens PLM SoftwareGearbox SoftwareCA TechnologiesAegis CommunicationsNokiaEven if you don’t have a background in IT, these corporate headquarters also offer opportunities for people in different areas, like office administration, human resources, communications, etc.More jobs in Plano, TXMore Jobs in Irving, TXCheyenne, WYAs the capital and most populous city in Wyoming, Cheyenne is one of the smaller cities on the list, at just under 60,000 people per the 2010 census. But what it lacks in population, it makes up for in opportunity. This city has a low overall unemployment rate, and is diversifying beyond the agriculture and mining that have always been part of Wyoming’s fabric. As it grows and changes, the city has also been rated the â€Å"tax-friendliest U.S. city† by Kiplinger’s.Spotlight Industry: ManufacturingWhile manufacturing jobs are on the decline in many parts of the country, it continues to grow in Cheyenne. Fertilizer manufacturing, electronics, precision instruments, and restaurant equipment are among the plants that have established roots in the capital city, and the trend continues as companies look for new cities to concentrate their stateside manufacturing programs.More jobs in Cheyenne, WYVirginia Beach, VAWhile the â€Å"beach† part of the name accurately describes the coastal benefit s of Virginia Beach, this city is hardly a sleepy beachside hamlet. Virginia Beach is the most populous city in the commonwealth of Virginia, and the 41st most populous city in the country. Tourism is indeed a major factor in the local economy, but it is also a major port for the U.S. military, as well as a hub for agribusiness. Virginia Beach was rated in the top 50 in a recent Forbes survey of the best places for business and careers.Spotlight Industry: U.S. MilitaryVirginia Beach is home to three major military bases, with a fourth just outside city limits: the U.S. Navy’s NAS Oceana, the Training Support Center Hampton Roads, the Joint Expeditionary Base East located at Cape Henry, and the Joint Expeditionary Base–Little Creek. If you’re not interested in enlisting in the Navy, no worries- these bases employ thousands of civilian employees in support roles as well.More jobs in Virginia Beach, VAScottsdale, AZOnce described by the New York Times as â€Å"a d esert version of Miami’s South Beach,† Scottsdale is a vibrant Western city that has become a major destination for travelers looking for year-round sun and dry warmth.Spotlight Industry: TourismIn Scottsdale, tourism accounts for 39% of the city’s jobs, with about 7.5 million people visiting the city every year and bringing many millions in revenue. Scottsdale features more than 70 resorts and hotels, with 15,000 rooms. Career opportunities also flourish at other tourism-related businesses like spas, golf courses, retail stores, and restaurants.More jobs in Scottsdale, AZSan Francisco, CARight next door to Silicon Valley, San Francisco is considered the commercial and cultural center of northern California. The city scored high on WalletHub’s â€Å"direct work factors† section, meaning that work week hours and labor-force participation were both high. The long work weeks are likely driven by the innovative startup culture that has emerged in San Fr ancisco, which often values hustle over traditional professional structures.Spotlight industry: TechIt’s virtually impossible to talk about San Francisco these days without talking about its evolving tech industry, which has helped change the professional profile of the city. San Francisco is a highly diverse city, an American leader in many industries (including service/tourism, financial services, and higher education). But in recent years, the trend has moved into the tech sector, with biotech and high tech companies like Apple, Google moving in nearby.More jobs in SanFrancisco, CACorpus Christi, TXAnother Texas entry on the list (there seems to be a definite theme here!), Corpus Christi is located in the Gulf region of Texas, bringing a different culture and commercial profile to the list than Irving and Plano. As the deepest inshore port on the Gulf of Mexico, Corpus Christi has thriving oil/petrochemical and transportation industries, in addition to being a tourist dest ination.Spotlight Industry: Petrochemical Manufacturing and TransportCorpus Christi is in the midst of a â€Å"petrochemical boom,† meaning the city has become a major supplier for products created by refining petroleum and natural gas. The city’s oil refineries and petrochemical plants are at the forefront of providing chemical products to China and other developed countries around the world, with billions of dollars in development projects coming to the region by 2023.More jobs in Corpus Christi, TXWashington, D.C.Jokes about Congress aside, Washington, D.C. received high-marks in WalletHub’s survey of the hardest-working cities. As the U.S. capital, it’s tops in the presidential monument game, but also a large, diverse city that serves as a hub for a number of industries, in the public, private, and international sectors.Spotlight Industry: Civil ServiceIn Washington, DC the federal government is the largest employer, accounting for 29% of the cityâ₠¬â„¢s jobs as of 2012. Much of this is based on the sheer number of federal agencies that call the city home, but is also due to the fact that federal government jobs are often insulated from economic downturns that sometimes hit other cities (the government needs to keep running, regardless of external factors). The federal agencies also employ thousands of contractors, subsidiary businesses, and support businesses to keep things running smoothly. (Again, jokes about Congress aside.)More jobs in Washington, D.C.Sioux Falls, SDSioux Falls is one of the fastest-growing cities in the United States (47th), and is definitively the fastest-growing city in South Dakota. Historically, mining and agriculture made up the backbone of the city’s economy, but in the 20th and 21st centuries, the city’s economic interests have diversified thanks to the state’s lack of corporate income tax.Spotlight Industry: Financial ServicesWhen you think of financial services, you might th ink of generic skyscraper buildings in large cities, processing data and crunching numbers. The reality is that many financial services companies seek out less crowded cities like Sioux Falls, which are off the beaten path. The city’s largest employers are major financial players Wells Fargo and Citigroup, making Sioux Falls a major destination for workers with backgrounds in accounting, actuarial science, or finance, as well as people looking for administrative work in a growing metropolitan area.While hard workers are (of course) found in every town and city in the country, this survey offers some valuable insight into which cities and regions are leading the way as we look for growth and innovation in the world’s largest economy. Where will you be looking for your next hard-working opportunity?More jobs in Sioux Falls, SD

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Military History Timeline From 1401 to 1600

Military History Timeline From 1401 to 1600 The military history of the 1400s and 1500s was full of battles in the Hundred Years War between France and England and was marked by the life and death of Joan of Arc. This chunk of history saw the fall of the Byzantine Empire, the final outcome of the English Wars of the Roses, the Eighty Years War, the Thirty Years War, and the Nine Years War, among many other bloody conflicts. The 1400s and the Hundred Years War On July 20, 1402, Timur won the Battle of Ankara in the Ottoman-Timurid Wars. A year later, on July 21, 1403, in Britain, Henry IV won the Battle of Shrewsbury. The Teutonic Knights were defeated July 15, 1410, during the Polish-Lithuanian-Teutonic War at the Battle of Grunwald (Tannenberg). In the ongoing Hundred Years War, Henry V besieged and captured Harfleur from August 18 to September 22, 1415. Later the same year, on October 25, the French forces were beaten by Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt. On January 19, 1419, Rouen, France surrendered to the English king Henry V. The Hussite Wars began July 30, 1419, with the First Defenestration of Prague. Scottish and French forces defeated the English at the Battle of Baugà © on March 21, 1421, in another battle of the Hundred Years War. On July 31, 1423, the English won the Battle of Cravant. The Duke of Bedford won the Battle of Verneuil on August 17, 1424. On September 5, 1427, French forces broke the siege of Montargis. The Hundred Years War continued to rage through the decade. From October 12, 1428, to May 8, 1429, the Siege of Orleans was waged, with Joan of Arc eventually saving the city. On February 12, 1429, Sir John Fastolf won the Battle of the Herrings. Toward the end of the decade, on June 18, 1429, the French won the Battle of Patay. In a decisive and history-making moment of the Hundred Years War, Joan of Arc was executed at Rouen on May 30, 1431. The Hussites won the Battle of Taus on August 14, 1431, during the Hussite Wars. The Hussite Wars conflict effectively ended May 30, 1434, following the Battle of Lipany. The Fall of the Byzantine Empire and the End of War The Hundred Years War continued on April 15, 1450, when the Comte de Clermont defeated the English at the Battle of Formigny. The Second Ottoman Siege of Constantinople was conducted from April 2 to May 29, 1453, resulting in the fall of the Byzantine Empire and effectively ending the Byzantine-Ottoman Wars. The English army, under the Earl of Shrewsbury, was beaten at the Battle of Castillon on July 17, 1453, an event that put an end to the Hundred Years War. The Wars of the Roses The Wars of the Roses began May 22, 1455, when the First Battle of St. Albans resulted in a victory for the Yorkist cause. The House of York enjoyed another victory in the ongoing conflict on September 23, 1459, when the Earl of Salisbury won the Battle of Blore Heath for the Yorkists. The conflict continued on July 10, 1460, when King Henry VI was captured during the Battle of Northampton. Richard, Duke of York was defeated and killed at the Battle of Wakefield on December 30, 1460. The Yorkists won the Battle of Mortimers Cross on February 2, 1461. Edward IV was proclaimed king on March 4, after the Lancastrian forces won the Second Battle of St. Albans on February 17, 1461. Edward IV triumphed at the Battle of Towton March 29, 1461. In Japan, a dispute between Hosokawa Katsumoto and Yamana SÃ… zen escalated into the Onin War, which was waged from July 1467 to July 1477. Back in England on July 26, 1469, the Lancastrians won at the Battle of Edgecote Moor in the still-ongoing Wars of the Roses. The Earl of Warwick was killed at the Battle of Barnet on April 14, 1471, in another decisive moment of the Wars of the Roses. Edward IV reclaimed the throne on May 4 of that year, after winning the Battle of Tewkesbury. Portugal was defeated at the Battle of Toro in the War of the Castilian Succession on March 1, 1476. War Begins and Ends for France and England Over in France, the Burgundian Wars erupted when Duke Charles of Burgundy was beaten at the Battle of Granson on March 2, 1476. Swiss forces defeated the Duke of Burgundy at the Battle of Murten (Morat) on June 22, 1476. Duke Charles was defeated and killed at the Battle of Nancy on January 5, 1477, ending the Burgundian Wars. It was the beginning of the end for the Wars of the Roses on August 22, 1485, when Henry Tudor triumphed at the Battle of Bosworth Field and became King Henry VII. The final engagement of the Wars of the Roses was fought at the Battle of Stoke Field on June 16, 1487. The Reconquista ended January 2, 1492, when Spanish forces captured Granada from the Moors, ending the conflict. Sixty-three years of conflict began in October 1494 with the French invasion of Italy, the event that launched the Italian Wars. 1500s Military Conflicts Begin French forces won the Battle of Ravenna April 11, 1512, in a decisive moment of the War of the League of Cambrai. In the next chapter of the conflict, the Scottish forces were crushed at the Battle of Flodden on September 9, 1513. Elsewhere in the world, Ottoman forces won the Battle of Chaldiran over the Safavid Empire on August 23, 1514. The War of the League of Cambrai continued September 13 and 14, 1515, when the French defeated the Swiss at the Battle of Marignano. Imperial and Spanish forces defeated and captured Francis I at the Battle of Pavia on February 24, 1525, as the Italian Wars continued to unfold. War Erupts Outside of Europe Babur won the First Battle of Panipat in the Mughal Conquests on April 21, 1526. In the Ottoman-Hungarian Wars, the Hungarian forces were badly defeated at the Battle of Mohacs on August 29, 1526. In the ongoing Mughal Conquests, the forces of Babur defeated the Rajput Confederation to conquer northern India on March 17, 1527. Imperial troops sacked the city of Rome on May 6, 1527, in a dark moment of the Italian Wars. The Ottoman-Habsburg Wars continued to rage from September 27 to October 14, 1529, when the Ottomans besieged Vienna but were forced to retreat. Swiss Catholics defeated the Protestants of Zurich at the Battle of Kappel on October 11, 1531, during the Second War of Kappel. In 1539, Humayan was defeated by the Sher-Shah at the Battle of Benares. The 1540s Bring War Back to England English naval commander Sir Francis Drake was born in Tavistock, Devon in 1540, during the Anglo-Spanish War. The conflict heated up on November 24, 1542, when the Scottish forces were beaten at the Battle of Solway Moss. Emperor Galawdewos won the Battle of Wayna Daga on February 21, 1543, during the Ethiopian-Adal War. Scottish troops defeated the English at the Battle of Ancrum Moor on February 27, 1545, during the Anglo-Scottish Wars. During the Schmalkaldic War, protestant forces were beaten at the Battle of Mà ¼hlberg on April 24, 1547. The Anglo-Scottish Wars continued when the English won the Battle of Pinkie Cleugh over the Scots on September 10, 1547. Mughal forces defeated rebels at the Second Battle of Panipat on November 5, 1556. The Battle of Kawanakajima, a conflict between Takeda and Uesugi forces, was waged on September 10, 1561, in Japan. Decades of War The forces of Oda Nobunaga conducted the successful siege of Ishiyama Hongan-ji from August 1570 to August 1580 in Japan. The Holy League defeated the Ottomans at the decisive Battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571, ending the Ottoman-Habsburg Wars. Mughal forces won the Battle of Tukaroi over the Sultanate of Bangala and Bihar on March 5, 1575. Albrecht von Wallenstein was born in Bohemia September 24, 1583, during the Thirty Years War. English naval forces raided the Spanish port of Cadiz from April 12 to July 6, 1587, during the Anglo-Spanish War. In battles raging from July 19 to August 12, 1588, English naval forces defeated the powerful Spanish Armada. English and Dutch forces captured and burned the Spanish city of Cadiz from June 30 to July 15, 1596. Maurice of Nassau won the Battle of Turnhout on January 24, 1597, during the Eighty Years War. English forces were beaten at the Battle of Curlew Pass on August 15, 1599, during the Nine Years War. The Eighty Years War continued through the end of the 1500s when the Dutch won a tactical victory at the Battle of Nieuwpoort on July 2, 1600.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Operations Management Definition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Operations Management Definition - Essay Example According to Westland (n.d., pp. 1), project is defined as to perform certain activities for the completion or execution of work which is planned to get delivered within a specific time. Projects have specific characteristics. For example, they are unique i.e. every project is different from the other. Another example is that there is certain amount of money in which they have to be completed in a specific time. Operations:According to Shim and Siegel (1999, pp.2), operations can be defined as the labor undertaken for making goods and services available. They have to be completed in time set by the customer and the manufacturer.Project and Operations ManagementAccording to Shim and Siegel (1999, pp.2), project and operations management is the management of all the processes or in other words, activities which are associated to the manufacturing of goods and services. According to Westland (n.d., pp.1), the project can be completed with the help of certain apparatus and dexterity. Wit h the help of talented people and good management project can be completed with success. With the help of dexterity, cleverness and skill the risks associated with in a project can be reduced. Experienced people are hired in management for this purpose. The tools or apparatus used to complete a project related to building a house may include pens, gauges, nails, wood, budgeting, CAD software and checklists etc. Methods or processes used for completing a project are divided in different and small tasks.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Ethics in Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethics in - Research Proposal Example And that the participants should have the choice to withdraw from the research. And most importantly the participants should have the opportunity to give voluntary, informed consent to whether they want to participate in the investigations. Immediately after World War II a consensus emerged about the ethical principles that should be followed in any research. One of the reasons for this was the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial that followed World War II brought to the notice of the public how scientists in Germany had used prisoners as subjects in experiments that were often gruesome. Such disclosures necessitated a reexamination of ethical standards. There emerged a consensus that human beings and animals must be protected from being used as guinea pigs. Contemporary medical and social research today requires that issues such as anonymity, privacy, confidentiality, fair treatment and protection from discomfort and harm that arise while participating in a research program are taken care of. Many regulations have been put forth by establishments to protect the rights of the research participants. Some of them are outlined by William M.K. Trochim (2006) 2. The principle of informed consent which requires that the participants must be fully informed about the procedures and risks involved in the research and must give their consent to participate in the research. 4. Researchers must protect the privacy and confidentiality of the participants. They must be assured that the information gathered from them will not be made available to anyone who is not directly involved in the research. Several reasons can be put forth to stress the importance of ethics in research. Ethics promote the aims of research like truth, knowledge and avoidance of error. For instance when you bar fabricating and falsifying of records or misrepresenting research data you are promoting truth. You are less likely to make errors. Research

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Students Social Lifestyle and First Year Average Exam Grade Essay Example for Free

Students Social Lifestyle and First Year Average Exam Grade Essay The Relationship between a Students Social Lifestyle and First Year Average Exam Grade Alternate Hypothesis: There is a relationship between a Students social lifestyle and their first year average exam grades Null Hypothesis: There is no relationship between a Students social lifestyle and first year average exam grades Introduction The aim of my investigation is to find a significant relationship between a student’s first year academic grades and his or her social lifestyle. I can relate myself to this study as I am in the second year so it would be interesting to see if my first year grades were influenced by my social lifestyle. In this study I will consider one dependant variable, the exam grades and three independent variables which I believe are the main components of a student’s social lifestyle. These are alcohol consumption, the amount of hours on Facebook and the amount of hours of television watched. The more units of alcohol consumed, the lower a student’s grade would be I myself believe that this hypothesis is significant because alcohol is consumed normally before and during a night out. Nights out normally end at 3am in the morning. This means that the next morning the student will wake up tired with a possible hangover which leads to decreased concentration during lectures and the effects may also reduce motivation to even attend the lecture. Therefore as a result of this, the student may not work sufficiently enough to obtain a high grade. A study by Wood et al found that â€Å"A longitudinal study of 444 freshmen attending the University of Missouri found a significant cross-sectional association between heavy or problem drinking and academic problems.† (Wood et al., 1997) The more hours online on Facebook, the lower a student’s grade would be Facebook is a popular social networking website which is used by a large majority of students. Students that spend an excess amount of time on Facebook are missing out on time to study and revise. Therefore they have less time to prepare for their exams which will lead to them attaining lower grades. Kirschner and Karpinski carried out an experiment and â€Å"Results show that Facebook ® users reported having lower GPAs (Grade Point Averages) and spend fewer hours per week studying than nonusers.† (Paul A. Kirschner, Aryn C. Karpinski, 2010) The more hours of Television Watched, the lower a student’s grade would be We can presume that there is a link between the hours of television watched and a student’s grade. The reasons to this are as followed, if a student spends more time watching television they are dedicating less time to learning and revising. The students that watch less television may spend more time learning and therefore could perform better in exams obtaining a higher grade. Currently there has been no research in support of hours of television watched and a university student’s grade so this research would be a first in its field. Data and methodology The data collected has been obtained by using a survey. It contains answers from 82 second year undergraduate students from the Aston Business School. The questions were based on personal information, life style, family background, academic related information and other information. The answers that related to a student’s social lifestyle were then chosen to become variables for the research. In order to process the data, a programme called Stata which is an integrated statistical package for data analysis, will be used. It will enable the data to be viewed easily in the form of graphs, tables and numerical values. A problem that may occur in the study is the presence of heteroskedasticity. This only occurs in cross-sectional studies. We will carry out a heteroskedasticity test and if the probability shows a value quite far from 0 then heteroskedasticity is present. We will use the following methods to interpret the information: * Mean: The average number for the data * Standard Deviation: This creates a value that shows how dispersed the values are from their mean. The lower the standard deviation, the less dispersed the values are. * Min: shows the lowest value scored for the variable examined. * Max: Shows the highest value scored for the variable examined. * Correlation: Shows how strong the relationship between the two variables are. A positive correlation means that as one variable increases, so does the other. A negative correlation means as one variable decreases, the other increases. Zero correlation means that the variables have no effect on each other. I am looking for negative correlations in my study which will be portrayed as a negative coefficient value * Regression analysis – Shows how the value of the dependant variable changes as one independent variable is varied and the others remain fixed. * P value – A means to test the hypothesis, at the significance level 5%, if the P value is equal to or lower than 0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected * R2 – Value used to see how much percentage the dependent variable is explained by the independent variable. The more units of alcohol consumed, the lower a student’s first year average grade would be Table 2 shows that there is a positive correlation of 0.0947 between the students grade and alcohol consumption. This suggests that the students that consumed more alcohol scored higher grades. However, this data could be inaccurate because of possible anomalies. Graph 1 Graph 1 shows a scatter graph of average score for first year against units of alcohol consumed per week. A linear trend line has been added to display the positive correlation that exists between the two variables. It can be argued that the line is only slightly angled which portrays a weak positive correlation. It can also be seen that there is a large concentration where there has been little alcohol consumed but the grades vary enormously. The highest grade was 85. One of the students that achieved this drank 0 units a week, however the other that achieved it drank 14 units a week which is much larger than the mean of 6.71 units a week. A regression analysis was then carried out. Table 3 shows the statistical results obtained. The coefficient is 0.1057496, holding all other variables constant, means for every increase in unit of alcohol, there was a 0.1057496 increase in grades. The R2 shows a value of 0.009 which means only 0.9% of the students grades are explained by the units of alcohol consumption. Further the P-Value is larger than 0.05 at the 5% significance level which means the null hypothesis is accepted. Finally a heteroskedasticity test showed the value of 0.9975 which is larger than 0 suggesting that the relationship is heteroskedastic. It is generally believed that an increase in alcohol consumption would have led to reduced grades because of the effects alcohol has on your body such as reduced concentration. However, the results show a weak positive correlation which suggests that as alcohol consumption increased, grades also increased. These results could be conclusive to Aston Business Students as they all have a similar amount of work and follow similar timetables. In other courses, drinking the same amounts of alcohol may have a different effect on grades depending on how difficult the course is whether the course is exam dominated or coursework dominated. The more hours online on Facebook, the lower a student’s average grade would be Referring back to table 2, the correlation between the hours online on Facebook and a student grade is 0.1291. This also doesn’t conform to the hypothesis as it suggests that the more hours online on Facebook, the higher a student’s average grade would be. Graph 2 Here we can see clearly a positive correlation between the two variables. As hours online on Facebook rises, so do the students grades. However the anomaly which is at (75,80) could have an effect on the trend line causing it to become inaccurate. There is a large concentration of grades around 0 hours. However the grades vary a lot at this area. Table 4 shows the results of the regression analysis carried out on Stata. The coefficient was 0.1333656, holding all other variables constant. This implies that for every hour online on Facebook, there is a 0.1333656 increase in the average score of a student’s first year grades. The R2 value shows that 1.67% of the student’s grades are explained by the hours they spend online on Facebook. This again is small figure so there is a possibility that there is no real relationship between these two variables. The P-Value of 0.248 is larger than 0.05 at a 5% significance value which implies the null hypothesis should be accepted. The heteroskedasticity test showed a value of 0.4790 which is further than two showing that the relationship is heteroskedastic. In theory, the more hours online on Facebook would lead to reduced grades as it provides a distraction for revision and learning. However some students may use Facebook for work purposes such as an online study group. Roblyer et al stated that Facebook has â€Å"the potential to become a valuable resource to support their (students) educational communications and collaborations with faculty.† (Roblyer et al 2010). This shows that students are able to communicate with lectures via Facebook so may be able to get help on topics they are struggling with. This will show an increase in grades. Another reason for the results found is that Facebook allows students to take a break from their work leaving them feeling motivated to return to their work after they have rested so maybe a couple of hours on Facebook is beneficial. Overall the theory and the results do not conform. The null hypothesis will have to be accepted, however on a larger population, theory and results may conform. The more hours of Television Watched, the lower a student’s grade would be Referring back to table 2 shows that the coefficient between these two variables is -0.0569. This portrays a negative relationship meaning that as the hours of television watched are increased, the student’s average grade decreases. Graph 3 Graph 3 shows the relationship between the two variables and the trend line confirms a downward trend. It could be said that there are anomalies in this data at 20 hours of television watched, however 20 hours is possible and three people have reported to have watched 20 hours so in this case, it is justified as valid data. The samples are very spread out thought it can be viewed that a lot of students watch zero hours of television yet their grades varied from 44% to 85%. Similar results can be seen at 10 hours of television viewed per week. This evidence implies that there is no difference between hours of Television watched and the student’s first year average score. Regression analysis results for the two variables are displayed on table 5. The correlation coefficient shows a value of -0.1073295. This shows that there is a 0.1073295 decrease in a student’s average grade for every hour of television watched holding all other variables constant. The P-Value and R2 both show that there is little relationship between the variables. The P-Value is 0.612 which is much larger than 0.05 at the 5% significance level. This means that the null hypothesis is accepted. The R2 is 0.0032 which means that only 0.32% of students grade are explained by hours of television watched. Watching television in my view will reduce a student’s grades as, like Facebook, it provides a distraction towards learning and revision. Also most programmes are an hour long and this is a significant amount of time not to learn or revise particularly if the student watches 2 or 3 programmes in a row. However, MacLean and Roderick (1968) believe that television is â€Å" a new facility through which the teacher can better achieve traditional educational aims.† In university, lecturers can record their lectures and put them on the internet to be viewed anytime, if this is counted as a form of online TV then watching these type of programmes will be educational and may help the student to attain better grades. Conclusion With all the results obtained and analysed and after considering the theory behind the relationship between the variables, it can be concluded that only one of the three sub hypotheses could be confirmed. The first sub hypothesis aimed to find a relationship between a student’s average first year grade and the amount of alcohol consumed, however, due to a positive correlation it was concluded that, in this study, as alcohol consumption increased, so did the students grade. The next sub hypothesis aimed to find a relationship between a student’s average first year grade and the amount of hours on Facebook per week a student used. Again a positive correlation showed that, in this study, the more hours on Facebook, the higher a student’s average first year grade was. The last sub hypothesis aimed to find a relationship between hours of television watched per week and a student’s average grade. The positive correlation confirmed the relationship that the more hours of television watched, the lower a student’s average first year grade was. It must be taken into account that there may have been external factors also affecting the student’s grade that weren’t examined in this research. There were some problems in the data provided that may have caused inaccuracies in the studies. Firstly, the data was collected by means of a survey with multiple questions asked regarding many topics of the student’s life. A problem with using surveys is that people may lack the motivation to fill out the survey correctly and truthfully. Further, if a student doesn’t understand the question, they may just guess the answer which leads to inaccurate results. It is highly doubtful that a student would accurately measure his/hers unit of alcohol consumption nor would they time the hours they are on Facebook or hours watching television. It could be argued that all the data collected is based on approximation rather than accuracy and this reduces the validity of the research. Next, the sample size which consists of 82 people is too small to represent an entire population of students. Also, all the students used were business students. This might have had an effect on the grades achieved for the year and the amount of time the student could use for socializing. For other courses, it could be easier to achieve a higher grade with the same amount of alcohol drunk, time on Facebook and television watched. Finally, it was only students from Aston University who were surveyed which means students from other universities were not taken into account of. This questions the validity of this study and whether we can generalize it to an entire population. In my opinion, a much larger sample is needed to show a more accurate result. Too add to this, another survey should be conducted with a larger population and the only questions that should be asked are the ones that relate specifically to the variables in the hypothesis. This study allowed me to apply the statistical and analytical skills learnt in the econometrics module. I learnt how to use software to help provide statistics to achieve a conclusion to my hypothesis and sub-hypothesis. The study in my opinion was not a success due to the lack of data received. In this study, my hypothesis was not proven so I must accept the null hypothesis: There is no relationship between a Students social lifestyle and first year exam grades. However I believe if I could redo the study with a much larger sample size and only specific questions related to my variables, then the results would confirm my hypothesis. References Kirschner, P.A, Karpinski, A.C, 2010. Facebook ® and academic performance. Computers in Human Behaviour, [Online]. Volume 26 issue 6, 1237-1245. Available at:[Accessed 01 December 2011]. Wood, P.K et al, 1997. Predicting Academic Problems in College from Freshman Alcohol Involvement.Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, [Online]. Volume 58 issue 2, 200-210. Available at:[Accessed 02 December 2011]. Freemantle, N et al, 1993. Brief interventions and alcohol use. Quality in Health Care, [Online]. Volume 2 issue 4, 267-273. Available at: [Accessed 02 December 2011]. Roblyer, M.D et al, 2010. Findings on Facebook in higher education: A comparison of college faculty and student uses and perceptions of social networking sites. The Internet and Higher Education, [Online]. 13/3, 134/140. Available at: [Accessed 03 December 2011].

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Dick Diver as Control Freak in Fitzgeralds Tender is the Night Essays :: Tender is the Night Essays

Dick Diver as Control Freak in Tender Is the Night       In Fitzgerald's Tender is the Night, Dick Diver is assigned the role of doctor, but he does not play this role convincingly. In modern technical terms, Diver is a control freak, more dysfunctional than his star patient and wife, Nicole Diver. As Diver loses control of more and more situations and begins to assume Nicole's instabilities, his integrity lessens -- he becomes more of a drunkard and less of a psychiatrist.    Diver's profession as a psychiatrist is the first signal Fitzgerald gives the reader that Diver's character thrives on understanding and conquering the human mind. Diver has only one plan: "To be a good psychologist -- maybe to be the greatest one that ever lived" (Fitzgerald, Tender, 132). This goal represents Diver's interest in overpowering others initially through medical practice and his understanding that he has the capacity to do so. Rooted in Diver's past, the desire to control portrays itself later in Diver's relationships and calculated behaviors.    Fitzgerald highlights Diver's incessant need to control people when describing the Divers' notorious parties. Diver wants "to give a really bad party ... a party where there's a brawl and seductions and people going about home with their feelings hurt and women passed out in the cabinet de toilette" (27). To achieve this goal, Diver has perfected the skill of manipulating his guests, so that "he won everyone quickly with an exquisite consideration and a politeness that moved so fast and intuitively that it could be examined only in its effect (27-28). Diver believes he has the power to dictate the behavior of his guests and the outcome of his parties. Playing with people has become a hobby of Diver's, as he must be in control of his guests and the evening at all times.    Diver's controlling nature presents itself not only at his parties, but also in his relations with Nicole Diver. While Diver does love his wife, he nonetheless "handles" her, always treating her like a patient over whom he has power. During their courtship, the letters Diver sends to Nicole Diver say mostly, "be a good girl and mind the doctors" (130). These were not traditional love letters, rather letters between an adoring patient and her doctor. Diver retained his superior status as doctor who had control over her while corresponding with her, as his letters contained commands for her behavior -- he knew she would follow his directions.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

American Dream or Nightmare?

To understand the American dream it’s easiest to look back in history at how great historical movements created and shaped the American dream idea. For starters a long time ago around the 30’s, James Truslow Adams, a popular historian, was putting the final touches on the preface to his latest book. It was an interesting time in the life of our nation. Though the crash of 1929 had signaled the beginning of the Great Depression that was to be endured for years to come, there was also a spirit of progress, of possibility.On the day Adams was finishing his manuscript, President Herbert turned on the lights of the newly opened Empire State Building. High hopes amid hard times: the moment matched Adams' thesis in his book, â€Å"The Epic of America† (Meacham 1-4). A history of the nation that was to spread a term not yet in the general lingo in those last years of the reigns of Harding, Coolidge and Hoover. Adams' subject, he wrote, was â€Å"that American dream of a better, richer, and happier life for all our citizens of every rank which is the greatest contribution we have as yet made to the thought and welfare of the world. , (Meacham 1-4). It was not a new thing, this abiding belief that tomorrow would be better than today. â€Å"That dream or hope† (Meacham 1-4). There is no single definition of the American Dream. Different people in the US have a different perception of the idea of American Dream. The history of American Civil War helps people understand the two different views regarding the American Dream. All thirteen colonies of the pre-independence era fought together against the British forces. By the end of the American Revolution however, things had changed.The southern colonies had different views which didn't match with those of the northern states. The northern states were against the tradition of slavery and wanted a federal government to rule the nation. They also favored the growth of industries in America. Southern states on the other hand, wanted a sovereign state for them; they also supported the system of slavery which provided them with cheap labor. Interests of these states lied more in the area of agricultural development as against industrial growth. These clashes and differences in opinions eventually culminated into the Civil War.Today, many Americans have lost their faith in the idea of the American Dream. Again John Muller’s ideas from â€Å"Capitalism, Peace, and the Historical Movement of Ideas†, talks about a great point about the US Government. â€Å"Imperialist policies of the US Government more than the economic crisis are responsible for the occurrence of this situation. Interestingly, the efforts of USA to establish superiority over other countries were perceived as a part of the American Dream by many† (Mueller 169-184). James Field JR. explains the history of war from his book â€Å"History of United States Naval Operations: Korea†.After the for mation of Canada, there was no territory left in North America for the US to expand. Thus, the US turned to the east and supported South Korea against North Korea in its effort to weaken China's influence in the region. After helping South Korea in regaining its territory from North Korea, the US decided to invade North Korea. Chinese authorities warned them against taking any such steps. However, the tensions between these countries rose and eventually the Korean War broke out. A 200,000 strong Chinese army attacked the UN (United Nations) forces which supported the US.Fearing the intervention of USSR, the UN forces retreated back to the south. James Field JR. goes on to conclude â€Å"The reason behind citing these instances is that, in the process of asserting itself as a superpower, America went so far as to suppress the weaker nations. The imperialistic policies of this country have therefore, acted against the very essence of the American Dream i. e. Liberty/freedom. In order for the American Dream to exist and thrive, the US should not only strengthen its economy, but also act as a responsible nation. † This is why the American Dream has and never will be feasible.The Idea of the American Dream has become so prevalent in today’s motto and goals that it is literally ruining people lives. People line up at the proverbial starting line and originate a pissing contest in an attempt to attain degrees, cars and houses at an unreasonable debt, get jobs that we loathe, and max out our credit cards along the way. In the midst of this survival battle, people are keeping their eyes toward what they were all told about attaining the â€Å"dream† that includes a home, family, and acquiring as many things as we can.So why is the American dream so important to everyone if there is no such thing as it? The first myth that America obtains as a nation is that anybody can succeed with hard work. For everyone to succeed with hard work, that would requi re equality of opportunity, which does not exist because opportunity differs based on class and status. The American dream justifies inequality based on social class by your position in class as a fair reflection of what you deserve. Justifying inequality based on ascribed status attributes inequality to a personal trial or defiance in the minority group.James Tueslow Adams states that the American Dream is a dream of a land in which â€Å"life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. † Too many of us have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.The United States has always been considered a land of equ al opportunities. People from all over the world have migrated to the US, mainly in search of employment and freedom of religion. However, there are many factors responsible for making America a sought-after destination in order to lead a prosperous life. The United States is a nation where the ‘individual', rather than collective population attains ‘center-stage’ in the process of devising policies, making changes, taking up developmental initiatives, etc. Alperovitz, and Thomas 18-23) The youth from the Third World nations have always found USA to be attractive; for them, the socioeconomic conditions back home are in contrast with those found in America. The freedom which can be experienced in America is nowhere to be found. However, there is also a darker side to the American society which needs to be understood. The American Dream has been flawed by social evils like slavery, racism and recently by the grand policies of its government.John Mueller author of â €Å"Captialism, Peace, and the Histroical Movement of Ideas† writes that, the promissory note of ‘all men are created equal' in the Declaration of Independence was rendered meaningless when Negroes were used as slaves (Mueller 169-184). Just like any other nation, America too has its limitations. In order for the American Dream to exist, it’s a necessity to eliminate these social evils prevalent in the American society. The second myth for the American Dream to exist is that free capitalism is the growing achievement of our democracy. For example Fair employment.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Expanding the multicultural debate Essay

The authors use three specific examples to substantiate their arguments – first, the habit of the Japanese macaques to wash sweet potatoes; second, how an infant chimpanzee learns the American Sign Language from its mother; and third, the utilization of tools by wild chimpanzees. Primatologists in Japan found an unusual behavior that originated in a female Japanese macaque and was imitated by others in her troop in a short while. This female, known as Imo, began to wash sweet potatoes in the river before eating it. Soon she began to hold the potato in the stream of water with one hand and scrub it with the other hand. This novel behavior spread among the members of the troop in a very specific pattern. It was observed that young monkeys learned a new behavior faster than adult monkeys. It was also seen that female moneys learned a skill or habit faster than male monkeys, the reason for this pattern being that females have a greater tendency to stay within a group and participate in kin transmission of knowledge. A culture of washing sweet potatoes was thus transmitted from mother to child across a whole troop of macaques. Scientists in the United States of America studied the acquisition of the American Sign Language (ASL) by chimpanzees. Washoe was a chimpanzee raised since its birth as an ordinary American middle class child by a pair of foster parents who spoke with her and between each other only in ASL. By the time she was 51 months old she had an entire repertoire of signs to answer questions like what, who, how, when, whey, where, etc. The same experiment was repeated with four other chimpanzees and similar results were obtained with them. After Washoe moved to a lab she raised a baby chimpanzee named Loulis. Washoe taught Loulis ASL. His vocabulary comprised of 51 signs by the time he was 73 months old. Use of basic tools to crack open nuts and fruits has been observed in the chimpanzees living in West Africa. Those reared in captivity also showed this skill. When a group of chimpanzees who did not know to use anvil-like and hammer-like tools, were placed with three others who did know how to use stones as tools. It was found that this particular skill spread rapidly among the chimpanzees. The young ones learned it faster than adults and females learned it faster than the males. It was also found that those chimpanzees motivated by others in the group to use stone tools learned the skill better than those chimpanzees that lacked motivation. The author concludes that non-human primates are cultural beings even though they do not speak a language. He says that ‘animals’ and ‘humans’ are not different in principle. Charles Darwin placed human beings alongside animals to indicate the continuity of species. Therefore, says the author, there must be a radical revision in the manner in which animals are ethically treated and that they must be dealt with using the same moral principles that human beings use in dealing with other human beings. There are many evidences that both support and oppose the claim that non-human primates are cultural beings who entail the same treatment as human beings on an ethical level. The main focus of the supporting evidence has been on how primates learn new behaviors and skills. They learn by observation, instruction, social conflict, and group learning (Poirier & Hussey, 1982). While human beings also learn behaviors and skills in a similar manner, they are said to be set apart by the fact that they are still learning, and therefore differ from primates on an evolutionary basis (Farb, 1978). In other words, natural selection has decided the optimum amount of learning required by primates to survive in the wild. Innovation and learning have much to do with the evolution of the primate brain (Reader & Laland, 2001). Increased brain size did influence the learning skills of primates and their ability to innovate. Yet, the reverse is also possible. The evolution of the primate brain has depended on their ability to learn in various ways. It was not only greater brain size that allowed primates to acquire technical knowledge, but technology also enhanced brain evolution (Whiten and Byrne, 1997). Another argument goes that human beings are more adapted to culture compared to other species (Tomasello, 1999). Cultural adaptations might have started when children began to articulate new linguistic symbols. This must have set in place an entirely different cognitive apparatus compared to that of non-human primates (Tomasello, 1999). Language as an indicator of culture has been studied extensively (Cheney & Seyfarth, 1996). It is understood that many species of monkey posses language skills that might be considered to be precursors of human language. Vervet monkeys are known to communicate in signs comprising of a semantic structure (Seyfath et al, 1980). In this respect they can be considered to have a linguistic culture like human beings do. Culture has been defined in many ways. This definition of culture can be applied only to human beings, â€Å"†Culture †¦ is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other ca- pabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society† (Tylor, 1871). According to this definition culture is a domain of human beings (Holloway, 1969). While human beings and non-human primates both learn different skills and behaviors, they differ in the manner in which that experience is organized. Social structure alone cannot be used to say that non-human primates and human beings are both cultural species because all species have a social structure of some sort or the other. Human beings differ from other species in their ability to create arbitrary and abstract rules that shape social relations in manner than transcends all biological ties. Other criteria such as the ability of primates to resolve conflicts have been used to show that primates are not all too different from human beings (Greenberg et al, 2000). Yet this resolution comes with a clause. Aggression is common in social groups such as non-human primates. Chimpanzees are known to live in peace in their groups but are easily provoked into aggressive behavior (Goodall, 1986). Reconciliation usually occurs when an older member of the tribe intervenes. Some scientists define what elements must be used to specify culture – labels, signals, skills and symbols (van Schaik et al, 2003). According to a study done on orangutans and chimpanzees, it was found that only human beings possessed all the foul cultural elements, that is, the labels which signify preferences and ability to recognize food or predators and do not require much innovation; signals to social transmit messages particularly of group value; skills that entail technology and innovation; and symbols that were more sophisticated signals that became characteristic of a group. Orangutans and chimpanzees possess only the first three elements. Culture is a very abstract term when used to describe phenomenon that cannot be quantifies such as the ability to create art and sculptures and literature that are quite characteristic of the life and times of the creator. In an evolutionary and biological system where skills and semantics are measured, non-human primates can be considered to be cultured but when the cognitive functions are observed, culture appears to be truly the domain of human beings. References: Farb, P. (1978). Humankind. New York: Bantam Greenberg, M. , Pierotti, R. , Southwick, C. H. & Waal, F. B. M (2000). Conflict and Resolution in Primates-All Too Human? Science, 290 (5494). 1095-1097 Poirier, F. E. & Hussey K. K. (1982). Nonhuman Primate Learning: The Importance of Learning from an Evolutionary Perspective. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 13(2), 133-148. Reader, S. M. & Laland, K. N. (2002). Social Intelligence, Innovation, and Enhanced Brain Size in Primates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99(7), 4436-4441. Seyfarth, R. M. , Cheney. D. L. , & Marler P. (1980). Monkey responses to three different alarm calls: evidence of predator classification and semantic communication. Science, 210, 801-803 Tomasello, M (1999). The Human Adaptation for Culture. Annual Review of Anthropology, 28, (1999), 509-529. Tylor. E. B. (1871). Primitive Culture. London: Murray Whiten, A. & Byrne, R. W. (1997) Machiavellian Intelligence II. Extensions and 30. Evaluations. Cambridge Univ. Press: Cambridge, U. K. Van Schaik et al (2003). Orangutan Cultures and the Evolution of Material Culture. Science, 299 (5603), 102-105.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Use Spanish Words for Pets to Become Fluent

Use Spanish Words for Pets to Become Fluent If you are looking for someone to talk in  Spanish with, how about talking directly to your pet? Learning Spanish can be easy with ongoing practice - even with your pet dog or cat. There are benefits of talking to an animal over a human. You will not get any nasty corrections, and you will  get a chance to practice talking without any interruptions. Plus, even when you make a mistake, your  pet will still be there unconditionally throughout your Spanish-language learning journey. Learn how to say phrases referring to pets in Spanish. Phrases Referring to Pets in Spanish Note that a pet in Spanish can be referred to as una mascota,  the same word used for a mascot, such as an animal symbolizing a team. The term un  animal domà ©stico  and the adjective domà ©stico can also be used to mean pet as an adjective, as in un perro domà ©stico, a pet dog. Additionally, the phrase  un animal de compaà ±Ãƒ ­a  and the phrase de compaà ±Ãƒ ­a can be appended to an animals name to indicate it is a pet. Remember that most of the time the genders given below for animals remain the same, whether the particular animal is male or female. Canary: el canarioCat: el gatoPopular cat types include:el bobtailel gato de pelo largo (long-hair)el gato persa (Persian)el gato de pelo corto (short-hair)el gato siamà ©s (Siamese)Chinchilla: la chinchillaCockatoo: la cacatà ºaDog: el perroPopular dog breeds include:el dogo argentino  (Argentine dog)el terrierel perro San Bernardo (St. Bernard)el caniche (poodle)el xoloitzcuintle (Mexican hairless)el mastà ­n (mastiff)el perro esquimal (husky)el gran danà ©s (great Dane)el galgo/la galga (greyhound)el dlmata (Dalmatian)el perro salchicha (dachshund)el collieel bulldogel bà ³xer (boxer)el sabueso (bloodhound or beagle)el basset (basset hound)un chucho  is a muttFish: el pez. A tropical fish is un pez tropicalFrog: la ranaGerbil: el jerbo, el gerboGuinea pig: la cobayaHamster: el hmster (usually pronounced as jmster; plural can include either versions  hmsters or hmsteres)Horse: el caballoIguana: la iguanaLizard: el lagarto, la lagartijaMouse: el ratà ³nParakeet: el peric oParrot: el papagayo, el loro ï » ¿Rabbit: el conejoRat: la rataSalamander: la salamandraSnake: la serpienteSpider: la araà ±aTortoise, Turtle: la tortuga Talk to Your Pet in Spanish After discovering what to call your pet in Spanish, you can progress to learning the  animal sounds  your pets might make, just in case they do make some noises or otherwise talk back to you while you are speaking to them in Spanish.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Workplace Etiquette10 of the Most Obnoxious Things You Can Do at Work

Workplace Etiquette10 of the Most Obnoxious Things You Can Do at Work The rules for workplace etiquette aren’t exactly posted in every office for convenient reference. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t learn and follow them. It’s never to late to make sure your behavior isn’t going to offend anyone or keep you from getting ahead. Here are 10 things you should make sure you never do at work.1. Talk, loudly, on your phoneYou think it’s okay to answer your cell at your desk? Then roam down the hall talking at full volume as you walk to get a cup of coffee or a photocopy? Think again. You’re actually being very disrespectful. Not to mention disrupting everyone you pass.2. Chew or slurp out loudIt’s gross and it annoys people. Keep your noodle/soup/coffee/ice chips sounds to yourself. Yes, even at your cubicle.3.  Not change after the gymGood for you for working out during your work day! But don’t you dare go back to your desk without showering or changing clothes. Ew.4. Fight loudly on the phoneSure, arguing with your S.O./parent/roommate is a necessary thing sometimes. But don’t take the call in a public setting and force everyone around you to listen in.5.  Apply stinky beauty productsDon’t take off or apply nail polish (or nail polish remover) at your desk- or anywhere in nose-shot. It’s not a work activity, plus a lot of people are allergic or sensitive to the smell. For that matter, go easy on the perfume or cologne as well.6. Bash your coworkersNever try to talk smack about one co-worker with another co-worker. It will not end well for you.7. Show up late and moochDon’t show up to the meeting late, first of all. Second of all, don’t expect the people who were on time to fill you in. It’s your bad and your responsibility to catch up. Don’t waste everybody else’s time.8. Talk private money mattersNo matter how broke you are, or how curious, talking salary is never a good idea at work. Keep your financial st atus to yourself and let others do so too.9. Be a jerkYou want to invite one co-worker to lunch or happy hour, but you just can’t do it if there’s another co-worker in ear shot, or worse, standing right there with you. Send an email or a text if you want to be exclusive.10. Get politicalKeep your political (and religious, for that matter!) views to yourself.Just think how much easier our work lives would be if everybody knew and followed these few easy rules.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

RA #8 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

RA #8 - Assignment Example We can also derive suitable instincts by establishing a balance between emotions and intellect (Hayashi 9). The information about how emotions can enhance intuitive decision-making can help me to improve my creative problem solving skills. Indeed, balancing my emotions will allow me to use my creativity and professionalism in solving problems. Moreover, balancing my emotions will allow me to research and apply relevant knowledge in making decisions that defines creative problem solving. The ability to recognize similar universal patterns across disparate fields is another interesting topic that I encountered in the reading (Hayashi 8). Indeed, such abilities enhance professional judgments. Identifying universal patterns in decision-making is a rare trait that many executives lack or disregard. There are standards and patterns that define intuitive decision making in diverse fields. The ability to identify these universal patterns can enable individuals to make homogenous and suitable decisions within short time. The information about universal patterns of making decisions across different fields can help me to improve my creative problem solving skills since I will possess the unique ability to solve different problems in a standard, suitable, and faster manner. The information will help me to establish a decision making culture that will depict my creativity in addressing various

Friday, November 1, 2019

Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues Simulation Summary Essay

Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues Simulation Summary - Essay Example While taking legal action against a foreign business partner based in another country, there often exists certain practical considerations that need to be taken into account. Contextually, the laws prevailing in the host country may not be the same as in the domestic environment and may vary drastically. Moreover, the culture of the host nation as well as the ethical values possessed by foreign business partner may not place the same degree of importance to the aspects such as trust and belief (Aliment, 2009). Consequently, it is necessary for the guest business partner to consider and get acquainted with local values, norms and ethics for seeking legal action against a foreign business partner. With respect to CadMex Pharma company, its partnering company i.e. Gentura is located in Candor country. There are certain factors that may work against CadMex’s decisions to grant sublicensing agreements. It should be noted that a company having a number of sublicensing agreements is vulnerable to face lawsuits, if the third parties such as workers are involved in any kind of property damages or related activities. In other words, CadMex will be liable for any damages occurring due to any third party negligence. When, the local customs and laws conflict with the customs and laws of an organization operating abroad, essentially the local customs and laws of the particular country in which the company is located prevails. A company operating abroad has to abide by the laws, value the ethics and respect the culture of the host nation, failure to do so may render the company to attract legal actions against for not abiding by the rules and the regulations of the host country. Such legal actions may hurt the business relationship immensely and create misunderstanding against each other. I believe that local laws, ethics and cultural aspects are closely related with each other. If the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Peak Oil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Peak Oil - Essay Example This essay declares that peak oil is a state in which the maximum oil production is recorded. After peak oil, the production may start to decline which is not a good sign for either the oil producers or the users. Global economy is heavily dependent on oil prices. Automobiles are essential for the transportation of goods to keep a balance between the supply and demand. Supply and demand determines the economic growth of the global community. Substitutes for oil must be researched and developed without any time delay. At the same time new technologies must be developed in order to utilize the distant offshore oil resources economically, which are expensive at present because of lack of feasible technologies to utilize it. Oil is the blood of global economy. As our body or life cannot survive without blood, the global economy also cannot survive without oil or alternative energy sources. This paper makes a conclusion that peak oil is not a good scenario either of the oil producing countries or others. Though peak oil may bring temporary benefits to the oil producing countries, their economy will be suffered in the long run. For example, most of the Gulf countries are depending oil revenue for their economic growth. These countries don’t have much other resources and the oil resource exhausting may not be a good sign for them. Even though, most of the global community are anxious about the future of the world because of the exhausting oil resources, environmentalists consider the peak oil situation as a blessing to the human population.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Talent Attraction And Retention In Employee Branding Management Essay

Talent Attraction And Retention In Employee Branding Management Essay Employer branding is one of the most significant developments in recent times. Organisations are increasingly recognising that most brand promises are delivered by people not products. Many studies have shown the gap between an average and a top performer has widened than ever before, and in a downturn, productivity and results matter even more. Having motivated and talented employees can make the difference between business success and failure. Simon Borrow is acknowledged as the creator of the term employer brand as early as 1990 (Thorne K., 2004). According to Ulrich D., 1997, employer branding focuses on how the company is seen by current and potential employees with the aim of winning the war on talent. Moreover, Employer Branding helps in recruitment, retention and in becoming an employer of choice. It sets up the uniqueness of the firm as an employer. It labels the firms principles, systems, strategies and behaviors towards the objectives of attracting, and retaining the firms existing and potential talent employees. Additionally, in a labor market where applicants, more than ever before, are smart consumers constantly assessing the value and rewards of their employment experience, its becoming critical for organisations to communicate and market their strengths and image as an employer of choice for a competitive advantage. 3.1 Talent attraction and retention Figure 1: Talent attraction and retention model Attraction material is often the first point of contact with candidates and so it must resonate immediately with the target audience. Uday Chawla, Managing Partner, Transearch, It is an entire process wherein attracting happens first, which should ideally be followed by retention. If we are able to attract talent but fail to retain them, then the entire process of attracting goes to a waste. Attracting and retaining are inter-dependant. Failure in one area affects the other. One cannot exist without the other. 3.1.1 Talent management. According to SHRM India (2008), in an article titled Corporate Indian companies: Forging New Talent Pipelines and creative career Pathways, in the banking and financial services industry, talent is considered to be premium. Talent management has been high on the agenda of HR professionals in the UK over the past few years. TM is a multi-faced concept that has been championed by HR practitioners, fueled by the war for talent and built on the foundation of strategic HRM. . Since 1997, TM has become increasingly popular when the consultancy firm Mckinsey exposed the war for talent as a critical driver of corporate performance, (Chambers, 1998). The starting point of TM is people, namely talents as mentioned in the article Is talent management just old wines in new bottles? A case of multinational companies in Beijing by Xin Chuai et al (2008). Talent is defined as individuals who have the capability to make a significant difference to the current and future performance of the company Morton (2004, p.6). CIPD defines talent management as the systematic attraction, identification, development, engagement/retention and deployment of those individuals with high potential who are of particular value to an organisation. On the other hand, Duttagupta (2005) asserts that TM assures that a supply of talent is available to align the right people with the right jobs at the right time, based on strategic business objectives. Besides, Stainton (2005) supports this argument by claiming that TM is concerned with having the right roles in the right environment with the right manager to enable maximum performance. For example, The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) is currently making the move from succession planning to what it describes as action-oriented talent management. They see this as a more fluid and holistic concept when it comes to getting the right person, in the right place, at the right time. Talent management can also be used to enhance an organisations image and supports employer branding in the labour market as well as providing a means of enhancing employee engagement to improve retention. 3.1.2 Talent management framework In order for Commercial banks to gain competitive advantage they need to develop a strategic approach to talent management that suits their business and gets the best from their people. Talent management can also contribute to other strategic objectives, including: firstly building a high performance workplace, secondly encouraging a learning organisation and lastly adding value to the employer of choice and branding agenda. In an article titled A framework for talent management in real estate. Deborah R. Phillips et al (2009), proposed a talent management framework for industry practitioners. The framework consists of five key elements: attracting, selecting, engaging, developing and retaining employees. Firstly, an organisation have to be creative when developing a recruitment strategy and should adopt modern methods of recruiting such as interactive networking sites, open house events, referral programs, internships, and online job boards. Secondly, it is becoming more common to include an objective measure of performance, such as psychological assessment, in combination with other recruitment tools in order to improve a companys chances of matching the right person to the job. Thirdly, engaged employees are not difficult to spot in an organisation. They are willing to go the extra mile to help the customer (Gostick and Elton, 2007). When HR managers measure their own organisations engagement, they immediately want to find ways to improve engagement among all ranks. On their side, Gostick and Elton (2007) report that employees will stay where there is: a quality relationship with his or her manager; opportunities for personal growth and professional development; work-life balance, a feeling of making a difference; meaningful work and adequate training. Additionally, employee retention is closely linked to an organisations performance management system. Performance management systems should also address how the different generations in the workplace view feedback and the drivers of employee retention. Therefore, the five strategies recommended in the proposed talent management framework measure performance on all sides. It is very easy to recognise the problem and apply the framework but the toughest part lies in the execution. 3.2 Employer of choice As the market for well-qualified and experienced job applicants becomes more competitive and with more people likely to change jobs than they ever have been, employers are becoming increasing aware of the need to manage the image of their organisations that applicants receive. The phrase employer of choice is becoming increasingly common among employers trying to attract new people, and retain key staff. Another point is that the image the organisation creates as an employer and potential employer seems to be recognised as a competitive differentiator in the same way as customer perception has also been held to be. For example, Baver and Aimen-Smith (1996) found that graduates were more likely to apply to organisations that strongly articulate their environmental policies in their recruitment literature, regardless of whether they consider themselves particularly pro-environmental. Moreover, it is important to recognise, as shown in research by Gatewood et al (1993), that the image of an organisation or company will be perceived differently by different people. This suggests that it is particularly important to present a clear, consistent and credible image of organisation to potential applicants. Finally, Employer of choice in recognising the importance of talent as a source of competitive advantage, are looking to win talent by tailoring employment policy to capture the dynamism of the modern era (Ashton et al, 2002). Typical measures might include package of initiatives such as offering career development opportunities, providing challenging, inspiring, enjoyable and flexible work, providing progressive benefits, paying attention to healthy workplace practices, improving incentives and encouraging participation and open communication (CLC,2000; Hewitt Associates, 2000;lowe 2001a) Based on a fact sheet from the Australian Bankers association Inc, the Australian banking industry aims to be an employer of choice and individual banks have adopted people management frameworks aimed at ensuring that: employees maintain a healthy balance between work/life balance, supported by specific policies such as working partly from home; the make-up of the workforce is aligned over time with the broader Australian community and reflects  diversity, including self-identified disability and ethnicity. 3.2.1 Employer of choice strategies The global vice president of recruitment for Philips, Jo Pieters, says it is important to include and measure both internal and external elements of an employer branding exercise and also Each and every employee should act as an ambassador of your brand and that requires a strong and recognised internal and external employee value proposition, One of the most familiar tools of employer branding is employer advertising where organisations use advertising to promote the unique employment proposition they offer potential recruits (Ewing et al., 2002). While advertising is a well accepted tool of employer branding, the employment brand itself encompasses the organisations values, systems, policies and behaviours toward the objectives of attracting, motivating, aligning and retaining the organisations current and potential employees (Gunasekara, 2002). 3.3 Branding concepts Branding has always been an important part of every companys marketing and advertising campaigns. Branding is an ongoing process where all the tangible and intangible elements that constitute a companys image and reputation are organised and communicated. A brand is a symbol that encapsulates that many associations that are made with a name (Gardner and Levy, 1995) and many things can be branded (Levitt, 1980) including the company itself. However, Swystun (2007) argues that a brand is a mixture of attributes, tangible and intangible, symbolised in a trademark, which if managed properly, creates value and influence (p.14). Employer branding may be the least known type of branding yet it is becoming more important to organisation. According to the conference Board report on employer branding (Conference Board, 2001) organisations have found that effective employer branding leads to competitive advantage, help employees internalise company values and assists in employee retention. 3.3.1 Corporate branding The corporate brand provides a source of competitive advantage by bringing together the company vision, culture and values, with organisational systems and networks, to form a unique organisational value proposition for customers (Knox et al., 2000; Hatch and Schultz, 2003). Moroko and Uncles (2008) contend that consumer, corporate and employer branding share similar characteristics; that is, a brand has to be noticeable, relevant and resonant, and unique. Notwithstanding, similarities between corporate branding and employer branding can be observed. According to Ambler and Barrow (1996, p. 187), an employer brand is the package of functional, economic and psychological benefits provided by employment, and identified with the employing company. In addition, Park et al (1986) categorise brands based on how they fulfill the functional, symbolic and experiential needs. 3.3 2Employer branding Employment branding is the process of placing an image of being a great place to work in the mind of targeted candidate pool. Employer branding is similar to the concepts of employer of choice (Fox, 2003). The link between employer branding and employer of choice has been stated by Harrison Kim (2005) Successful employer branding is built on the employers ability to deliver on its promise and when this happens the organisation becomes an employer of choice. According to Martin et al, (2005) the concept was first discussed by marketing academics and after some delay, by a lagging interest from HR academics. In todays knowledge driven company, all departments play a strategic role in bringing the right kind of people into the organisation. Employer branding is defined as a targeted, long-term strategy to manage the awareness and perceptions of employees and related stakeholders with regards to a particular firm (Sullivan, 2004). Furthermore, it conveys your value proposition the totality of your culture, systems, attitudes, and employee relationship along with encouraging your people to embrace and share goals for success, productivity, and satisfaction both on personal and professional levels